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Our 300 hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training focuses on the expansion of your own sacred consciousness and offers an opportunity to transform our everyday life from the mundane to the sacred.


Lotus Yoga Academy’s 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program blends traditional yogic teachings and spirituality with energy healing to provide a holistic, powerfully, life-changing experience that guides you to awaken to your hearts calling as you embark on this sacred path.


We believe in helping all students build a ritualistic yoga practice, by learning to expand our devotional awareness.  Through this path, we can transform out loves so they are filled with, love, light, joy, and harmony.

Throughout this process, we will be cultivating the principals of love, compassion, gratitude, surrender, and self-less service.  We will prepare our hearts and minds to receive the grace of unconditional love and wisdom, and become the instrument of the Divine through love and devotion.


This program is designed for those souls with an RYT200 who are interested in advancing their skill set and deepening their personal connection to this practice. Learn to use the tools of yoga to find within yourself a limitless source of intuition, power, and grace.


This 300 hour course offers plenty of practice teaching to strengthen confidence in your voice and your skills as an instructor, lightworker and healer.  Be inspired and prepared to share your light with your community.


In this journey, we embody yogic living, fully immersing ourselves in the experience of living and breathing this sacred practice on and off our mat.  This path asks for dedication, discipline and courage to look deep within to uncover our truth and our own authentic connection. 


“The most ancient traveler in the world is love,” Swami Rama





300 HR Yoga Teacher Training​



Ancient Wisdom Teachings


  • Theory of Karma an Freedom

  • The study of The Bhagavad Gita

  • Ashtanga: The Eight Limb Path - Patanjali

  • Raja Yoga - Teaching Meditation & Practice

  • Live with daily intentions (Sankalpa) to deepen your personal development

  • Study and honoring the Hindu Gods & Goddess

  • The practice of Kirtan, Mudras and Mantras

  • Bhaki Yoga - Daily Devotional Practice

  • Introduction to Yoga Nidra

  • Mala Making Workshop





Yogic Lifestyle, Self Mastery, Anatomy & Nutrition


  • Functional Yoga Anatomy

  • Essential Yoga Physiology

  • Incorporating Ayueveda into your lifestyle

  • Nutrition & Wellness

  • Yogic Diet


Teaching Methodology & Business of Yoga


  • Teacher Yoga -Student & Teacher relationship

  • Refine your sequencing and themes

  • Adjusments & Asstisting

  • Find your authentic voice as a yoga teacher

  • Yoga Ethics

  • Learn the Art of Business and explore your vision for bringing this practice into your community and online

  • Branding, Marketing and Social Media





Yogic Energetics & Sacred Teachings


  • Chakra Yoga - Connecting Deeper Within

  • Awaken Kundalini Workshop

  • Experience and learn to guide sacred rituals such as: Full and New moon Ceremonies,  Earth Gratitude Ceremony, and Sacred Cacao Ceremony

  • Experience and learn how-to host a Sacred Circle 

  • Sacred space and Altar Creation

  • Explore Crystals, Reiki, Essential Oils, Tarot (level 1) and Shamanic journey.



Choose Four (4) Electives (Mandatory and are part of the 300HR YTT)

($100 deposit is required to hold your spot and is to be paid one month in advance)      


Choose (4)


Pre & Post Natal YTT  ($425.00)

Restorative Yoga TT   ($525.00)

               Yin Yoga TT                 ($525.00)

Goddess Yoga TT       ($555.00)

Angelic Yoga TT         ($555.00)






Choose (1)


Reiki Level 1

Reiki Level 2

Crystal Reiki

Crystal Healing Session

Mentoring Session




Program Begins Wednesday April 7 - September 8, 2021


Investment: $ 2800 plus HST (Module 1-4) in-person/zoom

Deposit:  A deposit of $500 is due at time of enrollment into the program.


Electives: Are separate from the cost of the Modules listed above


Payment plans are available.  Please send us an email to learn more.


Electives are mandatory and must be completed within a year to complete your 300hr YTT.  


Electives are scheduled  throughout the year with date options that work for you.  To register for any of the electives, please register 1 month in advance with a $100 deposit to reserve your spot, balance is due 1 week prior to course start date.


Location: Lotus Yoga Academy / Guelph / Zoom

Email: to register!



300HR Yoga Teacher Training

in 2 Easy Steps!

Buy with PayPal

Course Materials

  • Lotus Yoga Prenatal Teacher Training Manual and required reading textbooks will also be included.

  • All elective manuals will be included 

  • Certificates of Completion



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